Sunday Selfies

Pip has gone


Our precious Pip has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

He was only 8 months old.

We are heartbroken.


Pip was the last fur I petted before going to sleep at night

and the first fur I petted every morning when I woke up.

He loved to snuggle his Mom.

And his Mom loved her sweet boy so very much.


He was born with ‘swimmer legs’, and was such a brave little boy.

When Cat Dad would put on his splints and do his physical therapy,

he would just trust that his Dad had to do what he had to do

and he would fall asleep in his Dad’s lap as his splints were put on.

He loved his Dad and his Dad loved him right back.

After 2 days of splints, our little brave boy was walking!

Puddin and Pip

He soon made friends and became one of the P Musketeers!

Pip, Puddin and Penelope were inseparable.

The P Musketeers

They played together, ate together, snuggled and napped together.


Everyone loved little Pip.


We don’t know what caused his death.

Thursday night, every muscle in his body started shaking uncontrollably.

Even though this must have been frightening to our little Pip,

when we came to him and talked calmly, trying to comfort him,

that high whistling Pipper Purr came out loud and strong, he was trying to comfort us.

Once that purr stopped, so did his precious little heart and he was gone.

We don’t know if he hit his head, if he ate something or what.

There was a bite at the back of his neck that was slightly infected

that might have caused it as it was so near his spine,

but we just don’t know.

Every night before falling asleep,

I would reach out and pet the Pippers and say,

‘I love you to the moon and back my boy’.

I still do and always will.


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