Thankful Thursday


We are thankful for our Interwebs being up today.

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa: Our Interwebs were down for 9 days

… 9 DAYS!


Puddin: That meant that Mom couldn’t WFH,

she had to WFPL (Work From the Public Library).

Which meant she wasn’t there to give me scritches all day.

Mona LIsa

Mona Lisa: That’s right, and don’t forget treats!

Luckily, the new purrvidor installed a new modem

on the day and time promised,

so we’re up and running again.

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa: Here is what I think of our old purrvidor!

We’re still waiting on their replacement modem!

Not that we need it anymore, they’re officially cancelled!


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