Sunday Selfies

Tortie Time

We’re celebrating our beautiful Tortoiseshells today. Despite the myths about Torties, we find them absolutely wonderful! For us, the definition of ‘Tortitude’ is: Loving, loyal, brave and true.


Stella is my blog assistant, Gandy’s best girl and Cat Dad’s official rib separator. We love you sweet girl!


We thought Winnie was a rat under our outside grill when we first caught sight of her. She was so tiny and fast! We called her ‘The Wee Nipper’ and was able to trap her and bring her inside. She is wise, intelligent and independent. You don’t see her very often on this blog because she REALLY doesn’t like cameras. We love you precious girl!

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is the kindest and most generous cat I’ve ever known. She is our special girl and we love, love, love her!


Leila is our snuggle-bunny. She is a lip kisser, and let me tell you that sandpaper tongue giving me lip kisses at 3am is both precious and annoying! We love our little Mach2 (or MacDoo) kitty!

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone! And if you have a Tortie, give her an extra smooch from us today.

Hop on!
Hop on!


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